Production & Industry Deals

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For Sale

We have industry deals available for institutional and accredited investors.

Are you looking for a turn-key oil, gas, precious metal mining investments but want to avoid the hype, promoters and 'boiler room' sales tactics? Throughput Management may be the partner-level source you are looking for. We will match your needs to the right opportunity and facilitate the very best deal with the right level of involvement that suits your needs. You can buy directly from the source, which may be us or one of our partner companies.

Use the Contact Us section to connect with one of our experts.

Energy is our Future

Mineral Rights
We can purchase or manage your mineral rights, mineral land and perform audits on the production, lease operator and overall performance of your property.

Energy producers face a daunting list of obstacles, especially when their primary objective is centered around a drilling operation.

Hardware and Equipment
Throughput Management can provide specialized capital for hardware such as drilling rigs and oil separators.

About Us

Throughput Management, Inc. is a leading commercial and industrial real estate service company. Our core business is based upon continuous improvement in commercial and industrial property operations by performing audits, making process improvements and providing managerial, financial and operations training.

Throughput Management, Inc.
25 Crescent Drive A-220
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 USA
+1.415.516.7478 Office

Copyright © 2002-2024 Throughput Management, Inc.