Utilities and Energy Management

Heating and Air Conditioning

The number one energy user in most commercial buildings is the air conditioning system. Heating and cooling systems have evolved into a dynamic and somewhat complicated dance with nature. Solar loading, seasonal changes, insulation class, operating schedules, entrance door operations and occupant behavior all contribute to the ever-changing environment your heating and cooling systems must contend with.

How much of your heating and cooling expense could be reduced if the entire system were really dialed in? It is not uncommon to reduce direct cost by as much as 20% just by setting up and following a management plan. This is one of those rare 'something-for-nothing' scenarios that can directly enhance your bottom line with low-cost/no-cost solutions from Throughput Management, Inc.!

high rise


Lighting systems often compete with the heating/cooling systems as the biggest consumer of energy in a typical office building. Most people managing commercial or industrial property are well aware of the cost of lighting. But did you consider the total cost?

    Have you considered these?
  • Transformer ballasts vs electronic ballasts
  • T12 vs T8 vs T5 vs LED
  • Lighting automation with motion sensors and lighting control panels
  • Labor cost of replacing the lamps ad-hoc vs complete re-lamping every few years
  • Does your facility have lenses that diffuse and block a significant portion of the light?
  • Have you considered the required candles per square foot vs actual foot-candles? Are you providing more light than needed?

Our lighting assessments include this level of evaluation and show you where money is being wasted.


Most commercial and industrial properties rely heavily on electricity to perform vital functions. Sometimes these systems become outdated, out of tune, in need of service or simply breakdown. Our commercial and industrial property surveys, and inspections will offer un-biased but complete analysis of your electrical systems.

old boiler


Modern buildings built since 1995 frequently include low-flow restroom fixtures. Aerators have been used on lavatory faucets for more than 30 years. Our water analysis includes a comparison of the cost of your current restroom water usage with the cost after retrofitting with low-flow fixtures. We will even research your municipality for rebates.

Did you know that in a typical high-rise office building, more than 70% of the water consumed by the entire building is used by the cooling system? Our water management system can reduce your water usage by as much as 40% without increasing risk to your equipment.

Garbage and Recycling

Garbage collection is heavily regulated and has become a necessary expense. We can reduce the total cost of your municipal solid waste or trash handling by 1/3. This simple technique (not related to recycling) will return measurable results to your operating budget, year after year - even if you already have a comprehensive recycling program.

Setting up a recycling program in your facility is easier than you think. We can perform an evaluation of your waste stream, tipping fees for garbage and estimate the real savings by maintaining a recycling program. For more information on recycling programs, check out the Recycle Throughput section in the side menu.

Order Here

To order property assessments just call or email our office Contact Us.

Property Assessment

Our comprehensive property surveys will reveal in clear language, the condition and life expectancy of your mechanical, electrical, plumbing, steam, chilled water, split/package, vav, pneumatic, thermal storage, fan, fire life safety, energy management, water usage, lighting, HVAC automation and/or roofing systems. The report will include an assessment of your maintenance practices too.

This will offer you the opportunity to evaluate your current operation the way it was originally designed, as an integrated organism we commonly refer to as a 'commercial building'.

The real value of this type of property survey is that it is objective. This allows you to evaluate the data revealed in the inspections and make sound judgments regarding repair, replacement, overhaul or tune. We use a simple grading system to show the areas of concern with pictures, explanations and even numerically with 'at-a-glance' charts and graphs.

The survey format is designed to be integrated into a project plan. Items identified in the report with suggested corrective action can be easily prioritized, sectioned out to be performed later or grouped with other unrelated projects. The key is to make the reports modular and include the correct level of detail and estimated repair costs.

The goal with all of our property assessments is clear and concise reporting so you can design your project effectively.

About Us

Throughput Management, Inc. is a leading commercial and industrial real estate service company. Our core business is based upon continuous improvement in commercial and industrial property operations by performing audits, making process improvements and providing managerial, financial and operations training.

Throughput Management, Inc.
25 Crescent Drive A-220
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 USA
+1.415.516.7478 Office

Copyright © 2002-2025 Throughput Management, Inc.